22-10-2016, 20:55
El Bullfrog es aislante. os copio la información que a este respecto ponen en su Weg ( http://www.bullfrogsnot.com/faq.asp )
What about electrical conductivity?
Yes, you lose some electrical contact, but most diesels and tender pick-up steamers don't have an issue. If desired, you can trim cured BULLFROG SNOT off the flanges with an Xacto knife for conductivity. Increase the speed and use a 'lathe' action. Be patient. BULLFROG SNOT is a valid trade-off for what little juice pick-up was sacrificed. This is the correct balance of product and application.
What about electrical conductivity?
Yes, you lose some electrical contact, but most diesels and tender pick-up steamers don't have an issue. If desired, you can trim cured BULLFROG SNOT off the flanges with an Xacto knife for conductivity. Increase the speed and use a 'lathe' action. Be patient. BULLFROG SNOT is a valid trade-off for what little juice pick-up was sacrificed. This is the correct balance of product and application.